We’ve had a 31 percent decrease in crime in the Near Eastside neighborhood between October-December 2014 and the same time a year before. That’s an across-the-board decrease in crime, from minor to major offenses, and that the statistics were given by FWPD. It’s really made a difference in the safety.” (Toby Owen, CEO, Presbyterian Night Shelter)
Patrol decreases crime in Fort Worth homeless area
Crime rates down 31 percent in Fort Worth’s homeless district
“Officer Ibarra has repeatedly displayed excellent communication skills, and has developed a great working relationship with local police officers at his station, which others in his capacity should aspire to.”
– Local Police Officer
“TIS is the most professional yet personable security company. They handled the transition like a well-oiled machine and with a minimum of discrepancies, resulting in very positive employee morale.”
– Federal Agency Security Manager
“During the annual performance review, TIS received an overall performance rating of Excellent. TIS was also rated Excellent in all four sub-categories: Quality, Timeliness of Performance, Business Relations, and Customer Satisfaction.”
– Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP)
“I do want everyone in your company to know what an asset Marie is to Walls Distribution Center. I have worked with her since TIS started with Walls and Marie has always impressed me. She keeps us informed of the containers coming in, going out, empty, broken, etc… We are informed of any thing unusual. She has walked around the building many times to know exactly what is going on at all times. She also does courtesy calls to inform us that it is raining in case anyone has left their windows down or if anyone left their lights on. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how very much we appreciate her.”
– Distribution Center Receiving Coordinator
“The presence of armed security specialists has recently been added to assist the police department by performing duties such as patrolling the campus and unlocking doors. The new security personnel were contracted through Texas Industrial Security partly because of budget restrictions and a need for added man power, according to the campus police chief. Staff and faculty are pleased with the sight of a security specialist. Director of SPAR and health center Donnine Ballance said it is a reassuring feeling to see security patrolling the campus. “So far the comments that have come in are positive,” Horak said. The day guard is Sergeant Clayton Lefall who is ranked sergeant through TIS based upon his performance within the company, according to a source. “I love it,” Lefall said, “I am working with some professional officers.”
– Article in local Community College Newspaper by Mallory Duggan/Staff writer
“Officer Curry is an outstanding officer. He has worked with us for the past 7 years and I look forward to his continuing with us in the future. He has been the one constant through the years that we have maintained with TIS and our High School. His willingness to train others who have been with us has helped to make the transition of personnel almost seamless in nature. He maintains a good global view of what we do here at our campus and has helped in presenting the values of our district and school to our students. He has become an integral part of our campus due his dedication to his loyalty to your organization and our campus. He understands our needs and vision for the future. Simply put Officer Curry does an outstanding job for us”
– Associate Principal Local High School
“Officer Perez is polite to the customer and with him being bilingual, he is a big help with our Spanish speaking customers. With Officer Perez and Officer Baskin on duty during the weekdays I’m guaranteed a trouble-free shift.”
– Public Transportation Provider
“At this time I would like to thank Officer Munoz along with your entire staff there at TIS Security for the great work you have provided in the past six plus months. Please keep up the great work that you and your entire staff do and I look forward to working with your organization in the future.”
– Local Public Transport Provider
“Just wanted to say Thank You for all of your help. Having the security guard has helped out tremendously this year making it a lot more enjoyable.”
– Homeowner’s Association Member